Abstract Street

I am always looking for different methods of expressing myself creatively in photography as well as other mediums. Here are 2 examples of abstract street photography. We explore the use of reflections in abstract street in my upcoming workshop on 14 July.

In Greenpoint 4

Here’s another photo from my series in Greenpoint, Brooklyn and an example of intentional camera movement. Intentional camera movement or motion blur is one of the creative photography techniques in the Bushwick Street Art & Creative Photography Workshop which will be held on 14 May 2017. We explore the incredible street art and typically are able to get some street photography as well as abstract photography. There are still a few places available and you can register here.In Greenpoint 4

More than one method

What is it about technology and technically perfect photos that appeals to people in general and photographers more specifically? We already know that in many ways technology is a big distraction. Is there truth in technically perfect photos? I throw these questions out there because I have become disillusioned with the idea that a photograph can replicate reality or even that that’s what I’d like it to do. Recently I was giving a photo tour in Dumbo and taking photos that I’ve photographed so many times before and I decided then and there that I was going to do it differently. I have a photo that I did a number of years ago there that is more a “realistic” photo. Whatever that means. I think a photograph should reflect the photographer. And when a photo does that it doesn’t really matter if it is a truer representation or a more creative view of the place. Photography is always personal. Photos from 15 April 2017 and 4 December 2010.

Street Photography & Motion Blur

Every once in awhile I am able to combine both street photography and motion blur in the same shot. Two of my favorite kinds of photography! It was a rainy afternoon in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. A very cool neighborhood in the city. I started taking intentional camera movement photos while walking and talking with a friend. Without stopping. And simultaneously moving the camera to create blur. Perhaps I can call this action photography. I do enjoy trying out new things. I was prepared to throw out all the photos that I took that afternoon. But I was pleasantly surprised with a number of them. If you are interested in street photography and/or creative photography, I have 3 workshops coming up in May. – b&w in Greenpoint, 22 April 2017.B&W in Greenpoint 2

Photography as language

In Greenpoint 3This is an excerpt from a book that I’m writing on photography. “Photography is like learning a new language. In the beginning you are constantly aware of grammar, sentence structure, verb conjugations and vocabulary. It’s all very conscious. It takes awhile to learn the different parts of language. To learn how to communicate with photography.” You’ll have to wait for more! – Photo, In Greenpoint 3, 22 April, 2017. https://www.shootnewyorkcity.com/blog/2017/4/26/photography-as-language

On Lafayette Street

Training the eye to see in frames, in composition is something that I guess I take for granted. I don’t know how I started to see in frames or even when I did. It is an ever ongoing process. My eyes, my vision is always searching for new ways to see and capture things. I could say that it is rather an automatic process. Like a runner, running. That said, not all days are equal. Some are certainly better than others. I like to call it synchronicity when I find myself in the right place at the right time. And maybe it’s also called making my luck. For that reason it is good to be patient and to move slowly and attempt to really soak in my surroundings. In my workshops we always look at different ways to see things and different ways to compose a shot. Composition is typically the thing that will make or break a shot. The aspect that will give it a lasting effect. – On Lafayette Street, 9 April 2017.on Lafayette Street

In Greenpoint 2

Another photo from yesterday. Walk-by shooting and intentional camera movement. I have a series of photos which I will try to put on my website in the next few days. I created a new preset for this group of photos. That is typically something do when working on a series and it tends to lend continuity to a series. Happy Sunday! In Greenpoint 2, 22 April 2017.In Greenpoint 2

In Greenpoint

Today I went to Greenpoint. The first time in quite awhile. It was perfect weather for intentional camera movement and blur. Overcast and occasionally raining. I met up with a friend that I haven’t seen in a few years and we walked and talked and many of the photos I took today were while we were walking and talking. I guess I can call it my walk-by shooting series. It is very much like action painting, action photography. I always have my mind on what’s around me and choose what to shoot by colors and light and which direction to move the camera. It’s kind of fun I have to say. And I am happy with some of the photos I’ve seen so far. Yes, they are abstract. I very much like the element of chance in photography, in art, in life. When I’m fortunate there’s a kind of synchronicity. And hey, I can walk and talk and shoot at the same time! Talk about a good workout! I took it easy. Still recovering but getting back to my normal self. Thanks to Charles for accompanying me on it! Nothing like experimenting! – In Greenpoint, 22 April 2017. https://www.shootnewyorkcity.com/blog/2017/4/22/in-greenpointIn Greenpoint_

rainy day blues

Creative photography is my goal. It is always what I hope to achieve. Creativity in any of the arts is always an ongoing process. There isn’t anything scientific about it. It’s always about making mistakes and experimenting. Creative photography isn’t about technical precision. Even repeatable processes yield different results.My techniques are ever evolving and my tastes are changing. Sometimes they are dictated by my mood. I have been working on a new series with cinematic frames. Many are drive-by shooting photos on rainy days like the photo here taken on 16 April 2017 during a torrential rain. I give credit to my impatience as a source of discovering creative techniques. If you’re interested in learning more creative techniques in photography, I have a workshop in Bushwick on Sunday 14 May. – rainy day blues.rainy day blues